
Improve Umaveda brand and online commerce experience
Umaveda is an online retail store, specializing in ayurvedic skin care products. Ayurveda is an age-old practice that originated in India with a focus on balance in all areas of life and long-term optimal health.
Commerce Site Redesign
The first project I worked on for Umaveda was the evaluation of the Umaveda commerce site for usability and consumer appeal. In response, I submitted a document evaluating the use of imagery and color, the clarity of the navigation model, and usefulness of the content.
I not only described my professional impression of the site and areas I thought needed work. I also included a number of suggestions for improvement. After the evaluation I started working on a site redesign. It wasn’t a complete redesign, as some of the concepts they had already developed were good. I focused on the main navigation, the presentation of material for clarity, including multiple paths to finding products, a call to action at each appropriate juncture as well as a clear and non-threatening path to purchasing a product.
I also revamped the homepage with more evocative and informative content. I also encouraged the addition of information about the company as well as information about purchasing products to alleviate any security, privacy and trust concerns.
Logo Design
I focused on creating a visual that would represent the three-part aspect of ayurveda as well as the concept of herbal and natural remedy. I chose a unique leaf-like design coupled with a vibrant green often seen in the new growth of spring to indicate plant life and revitalization.
Magazine Ad
The primary goal of the magazine ad was to attract new customers. Following with the goal of approachability and ‘freshness,’ I used modern colors, type and graphics paired with imagery of the natural environment. In the content, I presented the basic concepts of ayurveda and presented a call to action, to find out one’s dosha, a type of ayurvedic profile.